Thursday, 27 March 2014

Project triumph revealed

Last weekend we were finally able to reveal one of the most astonishing finds made by the GARP team during this project.  With a combination of good fortune, scraps of information and of dedicated, thorough research John Winterburn manage to unravel the location of one of the most amazing sites ever to be unearthed in the search for the truth of the enigma that was Lawrence of Arabia.

Rolls Royce armoured cars at the camp site

Evidenced by fragments of  brushwood fire on a stony hearth; discarded tins of WW1 army-issue beef; bits of broken gin bottle and a smashed SRD rum jar together with items lost from Rolls Royce armoured vehicles and a host of spent cartridge cases, the site of one of Lawrence's hidden desert camps was identified and confirmed.
Fragments of a gin bottle

Armoured car spark plug

SRD Rum bottle
The GARP team have spent many hours thoroughly investigating and recording the site and it's artifacts.

This remarkable story will be revealed  in full over the coming months with books and further publications and an exhibition of artifacts all currently in preparation. In the meantime more on this story as revealed in the press last weekend is available via the Sunday Times, Daily Mail and Catholic Online web sites. 

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